. Contact Vanilla Forums Inc. at support [at] vanillaforums [dot] com */ // Use this file to construct tables and views necessary for your application. // There are some examples below to get you started. if (!isset($Drop)) $Drop = FALSE; if (!isset($Explicit)) $Explicit = TRUE; /* The Column method (defined in /library/database/class.generic.structure.php) has the following arguments: Column( $Name, // The name of the column to add $Type, // The type of column to add $Length = '', // The length of the column (if applicable) $Null = FALSE, // A boolean value indicating if the column allows nulls $Default = NULL, // The default value of the column $KeyType = FALSE, // The type of key to make the column (primary or key) $AutoIncrement = FALSE // Should the field auto_increment? ); Example table construction: $Construct->Table('ExampleTable') ->PrimaryKey('ExampleTableID') ->Column('ExampleUserID', 'int', TRUE) ->Column('Field1', 'varchar(50)') ->Set($Explicit, $Drop); Example view construction: $SQL = $Database->SQL(); $SQL->Select('e.ExampleTableID, e.ExampleUserID, u.Name as ExampleUser, e.Field1') ->From('ExampleTable e') ->Join('User u', 'e.ExampleUserID = u.UserID'); $Construct->View('vw_Example', $SQL); */