(function() { var Rules = function(param, rules) { this.param = param; this.rules = rules; }; Rules.prototype.Error = function(message, rule, value) { switch(typeof(this.rules.error)) { case 'string': message = this.rules.error; break; case 'object': if(this.rules.error[rule]) { message = this.rules.error[rule]; } else if(this.rules.error['default']) { message = this.rules.error['default']; } break; } if(_.isString(value)) message = message.replace(/%v/, value.toString()); if(_.isString(rule)) message = message.replace(/%r/, rule); return message.replace(/%p/, this.param).replace(/%v/, "value").replace(/%r/, "rule"); }; Rules.prototype.apply = function(value) { if(_.isEmpty(value) && !_.isUndefined(this.rules['default'])) { value = this.rules['default']; } if(this.rules.required) { if(this.rules.required && _.isUndefined(value)) { throw this.Error("%p is a required parameter", "required", value); } } // if value is not required and is undefined, no more rules need to be run else if(_.isUndefined(value)) return value; if(this.rules.filters) { value = this.filter(value); } if(this.rules.type) { if(typeof(this.rules.type) == "string" && typeof(is[this.rules.type]) == "function") { if(!is[this.rules.type](value)) throw this.Error("%p is not a " + this.rules.type, "type", value); } else if(typeof(this.rules.type == "function")) { if(!this.rules.type(value)) throw this.Error("%p is not a valid type", "type", value); } else { throw this.Error("%p is not a valid type", "type", value); } } if(this.rules.properties) { this.check(value); } return value; }; Rules.prototype.filter = function(value) { switch(typeof(this.rules.filters)) { case 'function': value = this.rules.filters(value); break; case 'string': if(typeof(filters[this.rules.filters]) === 'function') { value = filters[this.rules.filters](value); } break; case 'object': if(_.isArray(this.rules.filters)) { this.rules.filters.forEach(function(filter) { value = filters[filter](value); }); } break; } return value; }; Rules.prototype.check = function(value) { switch(typeof(this.rules.properties)) { case 'function': if(!this.rules.properties(value)) throw this.Error("%p is not valid"); break; case 'object': var properties = _.keys(this.rules.properties); for(var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var property = properties[i]; if(typeof(checks[property]) === "function") { var args = this.rules.properties[property]; if(!checks[property].apply(null, [value, args])) throw this.Error("%p failed %r with %v", property); } else if(typeof(this.rules.properties[property]) === "function") { if(!this.rules.properties[property].apply(null, [value])) throw this.Error("%p failed on %r with %v", property); } } break; } }; var checks = { 'max': function(value, length) { if(_.isArray(value) || typeof(value) == "string") { return value.length <= length; } else if(typeof(value) == "number") { return value <= length; } else { return false; } }, 'min': function(value, length) { if(_.isArray(value) || typeof(value) == "string") { return value.length >= length; } else if(typeof(value) == "number") { return value >= length; } else { return false; } }, 'regex': function(value, regex) { return regex.test(value); }, 'in': function(value, list) { return list.indexOf(value) != -1; } }; var is = { 'string+': function(value) { return typeof(value) == 'string' && value !== ""; }, 'string': function(value) { return typeof(value) == 'string'; }, 'alphanum': function(value) { return (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/i).test(value); }, 'alpha': function(value) { return (/^[a-zA-Z]+$/i).test(value); }, 'object': function(value) { return typeof(value) == 'object' && !_.isArray(value); }, 'array': function(value) { return _.isArray(value); }, 'date': function(value) { // getTime() allows us to check if date is valid return _.isDate(value) && !isNaN(value.getTime()); }, 'number': function(value) { return typeof(value) == 'number' && !isNaN(value); }, 'int': function(value) { return typeof(value) == 'number' && value % 1 === 0 && !isNaN(value); }, 'boolean': function(value) { return _.isBoolean(value); }, 'float': function(value) { return typeof(value) == 'number' && !isNaN(value); }, 'email': function(value) { return (/[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?/).test(value); }, 'url': function(value) { return (/^(http(s)?:\/\/)?([\w\-]+\.{1})*(([\w\-]*){1}(\.{1}[A-Za-z]{2,4}){1}){1}(\:{1}\d*)?([\?\/|\#]+[\@\~\;\+\'\#\,\.\%\-\/\&\?\=\w\$\s]*)*$/i).test(value); }, 'zipcode': function(value) { return (/\d{5}/).test(value); } }; var filters = { 'toInt': function(value) { return parseInt(value, 10); }, 'toFloat': function(value) { return parseFloat(value, 10); }, 'toString': function(value) { return value.toString(); }, 'toDate': function(value) { return new Date(value); }, 'toBoolean': function(value) { if(value === 1 || value === true || /true|on|yes|1/.test(value)) return true; else if(value === 0 || value === false || /false|off|no|0/.test(value)) return false; else return value; }, 'trim': function(value) { return _.isString(value) ? value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '') : value; }, 'lowercase': function(value) { return _.isString(value) ? value.toLowerCase() : value; }, 'uppercase': function(value) { return _.isString(value) ? value.toUpperCase() : value; } }; var rules = { create: function(param, rules) { return new Rules(param, rules); }, types: is, filters: filters, properties: checks }; var Schema = function(schema) { this.schema = schema; }; Schema.prototype.validate = function(data) { var params = _.keys(this.schema); var errors = {}; var values = {}; var value; var get = typeof(data) == "function" ? data : function(p) { return data[p]; }; for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { var schema = this.schema[params[i]]; try { // if undefined, don't store it. value = rules.create(params[i], schema).apply(get(params[i])); if(!_.isUndefined(value)) { values[params[i]] = value; } // does this rule contain embedded schemas if(typeof(schema.schema) == "object" && !_.isArray(schema.schema) && _.keys(schema.schema).length && !_.isUndefined(values[params[i]])) { if(schema.type == "object") { _.keys(schema.schema).forEach(function(param) { try { // if undefined, don't store it value = rules.create(params[i] + "." + param, schema.schema[param]).apply(get(params[i])[param]); if(!_.isUndefined(value)) { values[params[i]][param] = value; } } catch(error) { if(!errors[params[i]] || typeof(errors[params[i]]) != 'object') errors[params[i]] = {}; errors[params[i]][param] = error; } }); } else if(schema.type == "array") { values[params[i]].forEach(function(value, index) { try { // if not required and undefined, don't store in values! values[params[i]][index] = rules.create(params[i] + "[" + index + "]", schema.schema).apply(value); } catch(error) { if(!_.isArray(errors[params[i]])) errors[params[i]] = []; errors[params[i]][index] = error; } }); } } } catch(error) { errors[params[i]] = error; } } return {data:values, errors:errors, valid:_.keys(errors).length === 0}; }; _.schema = { test: function(value, schema) { return (new Schema({input:schema})).validate({input:value}); }, create: function(schema) { return new Schema(schema);}, rules: rules }; })();