describe("schema errors", function() { /*jshint expr:true*/ var schemajs = (typeof window === 'undefined') ? require('../schema') : window.schema; var expect = (typeof window === 'undefined') ? require('chai').expect : window.chai.expect; it("basic error", function() { var schema = schemajs.create( { sound: {type:'string', error:'silence!', required:true} }); var input1 = schema.validate({sound: 'meow'}); var input2 = schema.validate({sound: 0}); var input3 = schema.validate({}); expect('meow'); expect(!input2.valid); expect(input2.errors.sound).to.equal('silence!'); expect(!input3.valid); expect(input3.errors.sound).to.equal('silence!'); }); it("detailed errors", function() { var schema = schemajs.create( { sound: {type:'string', error:{type:'sound must be speakable', required:'sound is missing'}, required:true} }); var input1 = schema.validate({sound: 'meow'}); var input2 = schema.validate({sound: 0}); var input3 = schema.validate({}); expect('meow'); expect(!input2.valid); expect(input2.errors.sound).to.equal('sound must be speakable'); expect(!input3.valid); expect(input3.errors.sound).to.equal('sound is missing'); }); it("'in' property errors", function() { var schema = schemajs.create( { sound: { type:"string", properties:{ in: ["meow", "purr"] } } }); var input1 = schema.validate({sound: 'meow'}); var input2 = schema.validate({sound: 'purr'}); var input3 = schema.validate({sound: 'bark'}); expect('meow'); expect(input1.valid); expect('purr'); expect(input2.valid); expect(input3.errors.sound).to.equal("'sound' failed 'in' with 'bark' not one of [meow, purr]"); }); });