mirror of https://github.com/eleith/emailjs.git synced 2024-07-02 11:08:51 +00:00
2022-04-14 11:31:40 -07:00

461 lines
12 KiB

import { createReadStream } from 'fs';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
import test from 'ava';
import { simpleParser } from 'mailparser';
import type { AddressObject, ParsedMail } from 'mailparser';
import { SMTPServer } from 'smtp-server';
import { SMTPClient, Message } from '../email.js';
import type { MessageAttachment, MessageHeaders } from '../email.js';
const textFixtureUrl = new URL('attachments/smtp.txt', import.meta.url);
const textFixture = await readFile(textFixtureUrl, 'utf-8');
const htmlFixtureUrl = new URL('attachments/smtp.html', import.meta.url);
const htmlFixture = await readFile(htmlFixtureUrl, 'utf-8');
const pdfFixtureUrl = new URL('attachments/smtp.pdf', import.meta.url);
const pdfFixture = await readFile(pdfFixtureUrl, 'base64');
const tarFixtureUrl = new URL(
const tarFixture = await readFile(tarFixtureUrl, 'base64');
* \@types/mailparser@3.0.2 breaks our code
* @see https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/50744
type ParsedMailCompat = Omit<ParsedMail, 'to'> & { to?: AddressObject };
const port = 5555;
const parseMap = new Map<string, ParsedMailCompat>();
const client = new SMTPClient({
user: 'pooh',
password: 'honey',
ssl: true,
const server = new SMTPServer({
secure: true,
onAuth(auth, _session, callback) {
if (auth.username == 'pooh' && auth.password == 'honey') {
callback(null, { user: 'pooh' });
} else {
return callback(new Error('invalid user / pass'));
async onData(stream, _session, callback: () => void) {
const mail = (await simpleParser(stream, {
skipHtmlToText: true,
skipTextToHtml: true,
skipImageLinks: true,
} as Record<string, unknown>)) as ParsedMailCompat;
parseMap.set(mail.subject as string, mail);
function send(headers: Partial<MessageHeaders>) {
return new Promise<ParsedMailCompat>((resolve, reject) => {
client.send(new Message(headers), (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(parseMap.get(headers.subject as string) as ParsedMailCompat);
test.before(async (t) => {
server.listen(port, t.pass);
test.after(async (t) => {
test('simple text message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs',
from: 'zelda@gmail.com',
to: 'gannon@gmail.com',
cc: 'gannon@gmail.com',
bcc: 'gannon@gmail.com',
text: 'hello friend, i hope this message finds you well.',
'message-id': 'this is a special id',
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n\n\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
t.is(mail.messageId, '<' + msg['message-id'] + '>');
test('null text message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs',
from: 'zelda@gmail.com',
to: 'gannon@gmail.com',
text: null,
'message-id': 'this is a special id',
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.text, '\n\n\n');
test('empty text message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs',
from: 'zelda@gmail.com',
to: 'gannon@gmail.com',
text: '',
'message-id': 'this is a special id',
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.text, '\n\n\n');
test('simple unicode text message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this ✓ is a test ✓ TEXT message from emailjs',
from: 'zelda✓ <zelda@gmail.com>',
to: 'gannon✓ <gannon@gmail.com>',
text: 'hello ✓ friend, i hope this message finds you well.',
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n\n\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('very large text message', async (t) => {
// thanks to jart+loberstech for this one!
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs',
from: 'ninjas@gmail.com',
to: 'pirates@gmail.com',
text: textFixture,
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.text, msg.text.replace(/\r/g, '') + '\n\n\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('very large text data message', async (t) => {
const text = '<html><body><pre>' + textFixture + '</pre></body></html>';
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+DATA message from emailjs',
from: 'lobsters@gmail.com',
to: 'lizards@gmail.com',
text: 'hello friend if you are seeing this, you can not view html emails. it is attached inline.',
attachment: {
data: text,
alternative: true,
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.html, text.replace(/\r/g, ''));
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('html data message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+DATA message from emailjs',
from: 'obama@gmail.com',
to: 'mitt@gmail.com',
attachment: {
data: htmlFixture,
alternative: true,
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.html, htmlFixture.replace(/\r/g, ''));
t.is(mail.text, '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('html file message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+FILE message from emailjs',
from: 'thomas@gmail.com',
to: 'nikolas@gmail.com',
attachment: {
path: new URL('attachments/smtp.html', import.meta.url),
alternative: true,
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.html, htmlFixture.replace(/\r/g, ''));
t.is(mail.text, '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('html with image embed message', async (t) => {
const html = await readFile(
new URL('attachments/smtp2.html', import.meta.url),
const image = await readFile(
new URL('attachments/smtp.gif', import.meta.url)
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+IMAGE message from emailjs',
from: 'ninja@gmail.com',
to: 'pirate@gmail.com',
attachment: {
path: new URL('attachments/smtp2.html', import.meta.url),
alternative: true,
related: [
path: new URL('attachments/smtp.gif', import.meta.url),
type: 'image/gif',
name: 'smtp-diagram.gif',
headers: { 'Content-ID': '<smtp-diagram@local>' },
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.html, html.replace(/\r/g, ''));
t.is(mail.text, '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('html data and attachment message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+FILE message from emailjs',
from: 'thomas@gmail.com',
to: 'nikolas@gmail.com',
attachment: [
path: new URL('attachments/smtp.html', import.meta.url),
alternative: true,
{ path: new URL('attachments/smtp.gif', import.meta.url) },
] as MessageAttachment[],
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.html, htmlFixture.replace(/\r/g, ''));
t.is(mail.text, '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('attachment message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+ATTACHMENT message from emailjs',
from: 'washing@gmail.com',
to: 'lincoln@gmail.com',
text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and pdf finds you well.',
attachment: {
path: pdfFixtureUrl,
type: 'application/pdf',
name: 'smtp-info.pdf',
} as MessageAttachment,
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64'), pdfFixture);
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('attachment sent with unicode filename message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+ATTACHMENT message from emailjs',
from: 'washing@gmail.com',
to: 'lincoln@gmail.com',
text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and pdf finds you well.',
attachment: {
path: pdfFixtureUrl,
type: 'application/pdf',
name: 'smtp-✓-info.pdf',
} as MessageAttachment,
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64'), pdfFixture);
t.is(mail.attachments[0].filename, 'smtp-✓-info.pdf');
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('attachments message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+2+ATTACHMENTS message from emailjs',
from: 'sergey@gmail.com',
to: 'jobs@gmail.com',
text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and attachments finds you well.',
attachment: [
path: pdfFixtureUrl,
type: 'application/pdf',
name: 'smtp-info.pdf',
path: tarFixtureUrl,
type: 'application/tar-gz',
name: 'postfix.source.2.8.7.tar.gz',
] as MessageAttachment[],
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64'), pdfFixture);
t.is(mail.attachments[1].content.toString('base64'), tarFixture);
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('streams message', async (t) => {
const msg = {
subject: 'this is a test TEXT+2+STREAMED+ATTACHMENTS message from emailjs',
from: 'stanford@gmail.com',
to: 'mit@gmail.com',
text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and streamed attachments finds you well.',
attachment: [
stream: createReadStream(pdfFixtureUrl),
type: 'application/pdf',
name: 'smtp-info.pdf',
stream: createReadStream(tarFixtureUrl),
type: 'application/x-gzip',
name: 'postfix.source.2.8.7.tar.gz',
for (const { stream } of msg.attachment) {
const mail = await send(msg);
t.is(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64'), pdfFixture);
t.is(mail.attachments[1].content.toString('base64'), tarFixture);
t.is(mail.text, msg.text + '\n');
t.is(mail.subject, msg.subject);
t.is(mail.from?.text, msg.from);
t.is(mail.to?.text, msg.to);
test('message validation fails without `from` header', async (t) => {
const msg = new Message({});
const { isValid, validationError } = msg.checkValidity();
t.is(validationError, 'Message must have a `from` header');
test('message validation fails without `to`, `cc`, or `bcc` header', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
'Message must have at least one `to`, `cc`, or `bcc` header'
test('message validation succeeds with only `to` recipient header (string)', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
to: 'pooh@gmail.com',
t.is(validationError, undefined);
test('message validation succeeds with only `to` recipient header (array)', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
to: ['pooh@gmail.com'],
t.is(validationError, undefined);
test('message validation succeeds with only `cc` recipient header (string)', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
cc: 'pooh@gmail.com',
t.is(validationError, undefined);
test('message validation succeeds with only `cc` recipient header (array)', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
cc: ['pooh@gmail.com'],
t.is(validationError, undefined);
test('message validation succeeds with only `bcc` recipient header (string)', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
bcc: 'pooh@gmail.com',
t.is(validationError, undefined);
test('message validation succeeds with only `bcc` recipient header (array)', async (t) => {
const { isValid, validationError } = new Message({
from: 'piglet@gmail.com',
bcc: ['pooh@gmail.com'],
t.is(validationError, undefined);