mirror of https://github.com/eleith/emailjs.git synced 2024-07-02 11:08:51 +00:00
2022-04-14 11:31:40 -07:00

366 lines
9.1 KiB

import { addressparser } from './address.js';
import type { MessageAttachment, MessageHeaders } from './message.js';
import { Message } from './message.js';
import type { SMTPConnectionOptions } from './connection.js';
import { SMTPConnection, SMTPState } from './connection.js';
export type MessageCallback<T = Message | MessageHeaders> = <
U extends Error | null,
V extends U extends Error ? T : Message
err: U,
msg: V
) => void;
export interface MessageStack {
callback: MessageCallback;
message: Message;
attachment: MessageAttachment;
text: string;
returnPath: string;
from: string;
to: ReturnType<typeof addressparser>;
cc: string[];
bcc: string[];
export class SMTPClient {
public readonly smtp: SMTPConnection;
public readonly queue: MessageStack[] = [];
protected sending = false;
protected ready = false;
protected timer: NodeJS.Timer | null = null;
* Create a standard SMTP client backed by a self-managed SMTP connection.
* NOTE: `host` is trimmed before being used to establish a connection; however, the original untrimmed value will still be visible in configuration.
* @param {SMTPConnectionOptions} server smtp options
constructor(server: Partial<SMTPConnectionOptions>) {
this.smtp = new SMTPConnection(server);
* @public
* @template {Message | MessageHeaders} T
* @param {T} msg the message to send
* @param {MessageCallback<T>} callback receiver for the error (if any) as well as the passed-in message / headers
* @returns {void}
public send<T extends Message | MessageHeaders>(
msg: T,
callback: MessageCallback<T>
): void {
const message =
msg instanceof Message
? msg
: this._canMakeMessage(msg)
? new Message(msg)
: null;
if (message == null) {
callback(new Error('message is not a valid Message instance'), msg);
const { isValid, validationError } = message.checkValidity();
if (isValid) {
const stack = this.createMessageStack(message, callback);
if (stack.to.length === 0) {
return callback(new Error('No recipients found in message'), msg);
} else {
callback(new Error(validationError), msg);
* @public
* @template {Message | MessageHeaders} T
* @param {T} msg the message to send
* @returns {Promise<T>} a promise that resolves to the passed-in message / headers
public sendAsync<T extends Message | MessageHeaders>(msg: T) {
return new Promise<Message>((resolve, reject) => {
this.send(msg, (err, message) => {
if (err != null) {
} else {
// unfortunately, the conditional type doesn't reach here
// fortunately, we only return a `Message` when err is null, so this is safe
resolve(message as Message);
* @public
* @description Converts a message to the raw object used by the internal stack.
* @param {Message} message message to convert
* @param {MessageCallback} callback errback
* @returns {MessageStack} raw message object
public createMessageStack(
message: Message,
callback: MessageCallback = function () {
/* ø */
) {
const [{ address: from }] = addressparser(message.header.from);
const stack = {
to: [] as ReturnType<typeof addressparser>,
callback: callback.bind(this),
} as MessageStack;
const {
header: { to, cc, bcc, 'return-path': returnPath },
} = message;
if ((typeof to === 'string' || Array.isArray(to)) && to.length > 0) {
stack.to = addressparser(to);
if ((typeof cc === 'string' || Array.isArray(cc)) && cc.length > 0) {
stack.to = stack.to.concat(
(x) => stack.to.some((y) => y.address === x.address) === false
if ((typeof bcc === 'string' || Array.isArray(bcc)) && bcc.length > 0) {
stack.to = stack.to.concat(
(x) => stack.to.some((y) => y.address === x.address) === false
if (typeof returnPath === 'string' && returnPath.length > 0) {
const parsedReturnPath = addressparser(returnPath);
if (parsedReturnPath.length > 0) {
const [{ address: returnPathAddress }] = parsedReturnPath;
stack.returnPath = returnPathAddress as string;
return stack;
* @protected
* @returns {void}
protected _poll() {
if (this.timer != null) {
if (this.queue.length) {
if (this.smtp.state() == SMTPState.NOTCONNECTED) {
} else if (
this.smtp.state() == SMTPState.CONNECTED &&
!this.sending &&
) {
this._sendmail(this.queue.shift() as MessageStack);
// wait around 1 seconds in case something does come in,
// otherwise close out SMTP connection if still open
else if (this.smtp.state() == SMTPState.CONNECTED) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.smtp.quit(), 1000);
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @returns {void}
protected _connect(stack: MessageStack) {
* @param {Error} err callback error
* @returns {void}
const connect = (err: Error) => {
if (!err) {
const begin = (err: Error) => {
if (!err) {
this.ready = true;
} else {
stack.callback(err, stack.message);
// clear out the queue so all callbacks can be called with the same error message
if (!this.smtp.authorized()) {
} else {
} else {
stack.callback(err, stack.message);
// clear out the queue so all callbacks can be called with the same error message
this.ready = false;
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} msg message stack
* @returns {boolean} can make message
protected _canMakeMessage(msg: MessageHeaders) {
return (
msg.from &&
(msg.to || msg.cc || msg.bcc) &&
(msg.text !== undefined || this._containsInlinedHtml(msg.attachment))
* @protected
* @param {MessageAttachment | MessageAttachment[]} attachment attachment
* @returns {boolean} whether the attachment contains inlined html
protected _containsInlinedHtml(
attachment?: MessageAttachment | MessageAttachment[]
) {
if (Array.isArray(attachment)) {
return attachment.some((att) => {
return this._isAttachmentInlinedHtml(att);
} else {
return this._isAttachmentInlinedHtml(attachment);
* @protected
* @param {MessageAttachment} attachment attachment
* @returns {boolean} whether the attachment is inlined html
protected _isAttachmentInlinedHtml(attachment?: MessageAttachment) {
return (
attachment &&
(attachment.data || attachment.path) &&
attachment.alternative === true
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @param {function(MessageStack): void} next next
* @returns {function(Error): void} callback
protected _sendsmtp(stack: MessageStack, next: (msg: MessageStack) => void) {
* @param {Error} [err] error
* @returns {void}
return (err: Error) => {
if (!err && next) {
next.apply(this, [stack]);
} else {
// if we snag on SMTP commands, call done, passing the error
// but first reset SMTP state so queue can continue polling
this.smtp.rset(() => this._senddone(err, stack));
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @returns {void}
protected _sendmail(stack: MessageStack) {
const from = stack.returnPath || stack.from;
this.sending = true;
this.smtp.mail(this._sendsmtp(stack, this._sendrcpt), '<' + from + '>');
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @returns {void}
protected _sendrcpt(stack: MessageStack) {
if (stack.to == null || typeof stack.to === 'string') {
throw new TypeError('stack.to must be array');
const to = stack.to.shift()?.address;
this._sendsmtp(stack, stack.to.length ? this._sendrcpt : this._senddata),
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @returns {void}
protected _senddata(stack: MessageStack) {
this.smtp.data(this._sendsmtp(stack, this._sendmessage));
* @protected
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @returns {void}
protected _sendmessage(stack: MessageStack) {
const stream = stack.message.stream();
stream.on('data', (data) => this.smtp.message(data));
stream.on('end', () => {
this._sendsmtp(stack, () => this._senddone(null, stack))
// there is no way to cancel a message while in the DATA portion,
// so we have to close the socket to prevent a bad email from going out
stream.on('error', (err) => {
this._senddone(err, stack);
* @protected
* @param {Error} err err
* @param {MessageStack} stack stack
* @returns {void}
protected _senddone(err: Error | null, stack: MessageStack) {
this.sending = false;
stack.callback(err, stack.message);