const assert = require('assert'); describe('Connect to wrong email server', function() { const emailModulePath = require.resolve('../email.js'); /** * @type {typeof import('../email.js')} */ let email = null; beforeEach(function() { if (require.cache[emailModulePath]) { delete require.cache[emailModulePath]; } email = require(emailModulePath); }); it('Should not call callback multiple times with wrong server configuration', function(done) { this.timeout(5000); const server = email.server.connect({ host: 'bar.baz' }); server.send( { from: 'foo@bar.baz', to: 'foo@bar.baz', subject: 'hello world', text: 'hello world', }, function(err) { assert.notEqual(err, null); done(); } ); }); it('should have a default timeout', function(done) { const connectionOptions = { user: 'username', password: 'password', host: '', port: 1234, }; const email = require(emailModulePath); assert.strictEqual( email.server.connect(connectionOptions).smtp.timeout, email.SMTP.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); connectionOptions.timeout = null; assert.strictEqual( email.server.connect(connectionOptions).smtp.timeout, email.SMTP.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); connectionOptions.timeout = undefined; assert.strictEqual( email.server.connect(connectionOptions).smtp.timeout, email.SMTP.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); done(); }); });