describe('messages', function() { const { simpleParser: parser } = require('mailparser'); const { SMTPServer: smtpServer } = require('smtp-server'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const email = require('../email'); const port = 2526; let server = null; let smtp = null; const send = function(message, verify, done) { smtp.onData = function(stream, session, callback) { //stream.pipe(process.stdout); parser(stream) .then(verify) .then(done) .catch(done); stream.on('end', callback); }; server.send(message, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } }); }; before(function(done) { process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; // prevent CERT_HAS_EXPIRED errors smtp = new smtpServer({ secure: true, authMethods: ['LOGIN'] }); smtp.listen(port, function() { smtp.onAuth = function(auth, session, callback) { if (auth.username == 'pooh' && auth.password == 'honey') { callback(null, { user: 'pooh' }); } else { return callback(new Error('invalid user / pass')); } }; server = email.server.connect({ port: port, user: 'pooh', password: 'honey', ssl: true, }); done(); }); }); after(function(done) { smtp.close(done); }); it('simple text message', function(done) { var message = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: 'hello friend, i hope this message finds you well.', 'message-id': 'this is a special id', }; send( email.message.create(message), function(mail) { expect(mail.text).to.equal(message.text + '\n\n\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(message.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(message.from); expect(; expect(mail.messageId).to.equal('<' + message['message-id'] + '>'); }, done ); }); it('null text', function(done) { send( { subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: null, 'message-id': 'this is a special id', }, function(mail) { expect(mail.text).to.equal('\n\n\n'); }, done ); }); it('empty text', function(done) { send( { subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: '', 'message-id': 'this is a special id', }, function(mail) { expect(mail.text).to.equal('\n\n\n'); }, done ); }); it('simple unicode text message', function(done) { var message = { subject: 'this ✓ is a test ✓ TEXT message from emailjs', from: 'zelda✓ ', to: 'gannon✓ ', text: 'hello ✓ friend, i hope this message finds you well.', }; send( email.message.create(message), function(mail) { expect(mail.text).to.equal(message.text + '\n\n\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(message.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(message.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('very large text message', function(done) { this.timeout(20000); // thanks to jart+loberstech for this one! var message = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.txt'), 'utf-8' ), }; send( email.message.create(message), function(mail) { expect(mail.text).to.equal(message.text.replace(/\r/g, '') + '\n\n\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(message.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(message.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('very large text data', function(done) { this.timeout(10000); var text = '
' +
			fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.txt'), 'utf-8') +
'; var message = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+DATA message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: 'hello friend if you are seeing this, you can not view html emails. it is attached inline.', attachment: { data: text, alternative: true }, }; send( message, function(mail) { expect(mail.html).to.equal(text.replace(/\r/g, '')); expect(mail.text).to.equal(message.text + '\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(message.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(message.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('html data', function(done) { var html = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.html'), 'utf-8' ); var message = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+DATA message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', attachment: { data: html, alternative: true }, }; send( message, function(mail) { expect(mail.html).to.equal(html.replace(/\r/g, '')); expect(mail.text).to.equal('\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(message.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(message.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('html file', function(done) { var html = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.html'), 'utf-8' ); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+FILE message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', attachment: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.html'), alternative: true, }, }; send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.html).to.equal(html.replace(/\r/g, '')); expect(mail.text).to.equal('\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('html with image embed', function(done) { var html = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp2.html'), 'utf-8' ); var image = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.gif')); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+IMAGE message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', attachment: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp2.html'), alternative: true, related: [ { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.gif'), type: 'image/gif', name: 'smtp-diagram.gif', headers: { 'Content-ID': '' }, }, ], }, }; send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( image.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.html).to.equal(html.replace(/\r/g, '')); expect(mail.text).to.equal('\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('html data and attachment', function(done) { var html = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.html'), 'utf-8' ); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+HTML+FILE message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', attachment: [ { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.html'), alternative: true, }, { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.gif') }, ], }; send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.html).to.equal(html.replace(/\r/g, '')); expect(mail.text).to.equal('\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('attachment', function(done) { var pdf = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf')); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+ATTACHMENT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and pdf finds you well.', attachment: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf'), type: 'application/pdf', name: 'smtp-info.pdf', }, }; send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( pdf.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.text).to.equal(headers.text + '\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('attachment sent with unicode filename', function(done) { var pdf = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf')); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+ATTACHMENT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and pdf finds you well.', attachment: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf'), type: 'application/pdf', name: 'smtp-✓-info.pdf', }, }; send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( pdf.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to.equal('smtp-✓-info.pdf'); expect(mail.text).to.equal(headers.text + '\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('attachments', function(done) { this.timeout(4000); /** simpleParser takes a while on macOS */ var pdf = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf')); var tar = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/postfix-2.8.7.tar.gz') ); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+2+ATTACHMENTS message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and attachments finds you well.', attachment: [ { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf'), type: 'application/pdf', name: 'smtp-info.pdf', }, { path: path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/postfix-2.8.7.tar.gz'), type: 'application/tar-gz', name: 'postfix.source.2.8.7.tar.gz', }, ], }; send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( pdf.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.attachments[1].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( tar.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.text).to.equal(headers.text + '\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); it('streams', function(done) { this.timeout(4000); /** simpleParser takes a while on macOS */ var pdf = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf')); var tar = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/postfix-2.8.7.tar.gz') ); var stream = fs.createReadStream( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/smtp.pdf') ); var stream2 = fs.createReadStream( path.join(__dirname, 'attachments/postfix-2.8.7.tar.gz') ); var headers = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT+2+STREAMED+ATTACHMENTS message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: 'hello friend, i hope this message and streamed attachments finds you well.', attachment: [ { stream: stream, type: 'application/pdf', name: 'smtp-info.pdf' }, { stream: stream2, type: 'application/x-gzip', name: 'postfix.source.2.8.7.tar.gz', }, ], }; stream.pause(); stream2.pause(); send( headers, function(mail) { expect(mail.attachments[0].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( pdf.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.attachments[1].content.toString('base64')).to.equal( tar.toString('base64') ); expect(mail.text).to.equal(headers.text + '\n'); expect(mail.subject).to.equal(headers.subject); expect(mail.from.text).to.equal(headers.from); expect(; }, done ); }); });