// @ts-ignore import addressparser from 'addressparser'; import { Message } from './message'; import type { MessageAttachment, MessageHeaders } from './message'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars import { SMTP, SMTPState } from './smtp'; import type { SMTPOptions } from './smtp'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars export interface MessageStack { callback: (error: Error | null, message: Message) => void; message: Message; attachment: MessageAttachment; text: string; returnPath: string; from: string; to: string | { address: string }[]; cc: string[]; bcc: string[]; } export class Client { public smtp: SMTP; public queue: MessageStack[] = []; public timer: NodeJS.Timer | null = null; public sending = false; public ready = false; /** * @param {*} server smtp options */ constructor(server: Partial) { this.smtp = new SMTP(server); //this.smtp.debug(1); } send(msg: Message, callback: (err: Error, msg: Message) => void) { const message: Message | null = msg instanceof Message ? msg : this._canMakeMessage(msg) ? new Message(msg) : null; if (message == null) { callback(new Error('message is not a valid Message instance'), msg); return; } message.valid((valid, why) => { if (valid) { const stack = { message, to: addressparser(message.header.to), from: addressparser(message.header.from)[0].address, callback: (callback || function () {}).bind(this), } as MessageStack; if (message.header.cc) { stack.to = stack.to.concat(addressparser(message.header.cc)); } if (message.header.bcc) { stack.to = stack.to.concat(addressparser(message.header.bcc)); } if ( message.header['return-path'] && addressparser(message.header['return-path']).length ) { stack.returnPath = addressparser( message.header['return-path'] )[0].address; } this.queue.push(stack); this._poll(); } else { callback(new Error(why), msg); } }); } /** * @private * @returns {void} */ _poll() { if (this.timer != null) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } if (this.queue.length) { if (this.smtp.state() == SMTPState.NOTCONNECTED) { this._connect(this.queue[0]); } else if ( this.smtp.state() == SMTPState.CONNECTED && !this.sending && this.ready ) { this._sendmail(this.queue.shift() as MessageStack); } } // wait around 1 seconds in case something does come in, // otherwise close out SMTP connection if still open else if (this.smtp.state() == SMTPState.CONNECTED) { this.timer = setTimeout(() => this.smtp.quit(), 1000); } } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @returns {void} */ _connect(stack: MessageStack) { /** * @param {Error} err callback error * @returns {void} */ const connect = (err: Error) => { if (!err) { const begin = (err: Error) => { if (!err) { this.ready = true; this._poll(); } else { stack.callback(err, stack.message); // clear out the queue so all callbacks can be called with the same error message this.queue.shift(); this._poll(); } }; if (!this.smtp.authorized()) { this.smtp.login(begin); } else { this.smtp.ehlo_or_helo_if_needed(begin); } } else { stack.callback(err, stack.message); // clear out the queue so all callbacks can be called with the same error message this.queue.shift(); this._poll(); } }; this.ready = false; this.smtp.connect(connect); } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} msg message stack * @returns {boolean} can make message */ _canMakeMessage(msg: MessageHeaders) { return ( msg.from && (msg.to || msg.cc || msg.bcc) && (msg.text !== undefined || this._containsInlinedHtml(msg.attachment)) ); } /** * @private * @param {*} attachment attachment * @returns {*} whether the attachment contains inlined html */ _containsInlinedHtml(attachment: any) { if (Array.isArray(attachment)) { return attachment.some((att) => { return this._isAttachmentInlinedHtml(att); }); } else { return this._isAttachmentInlinedHtml(attachment); } } /** * @private * @param {*} attachment attachment * @returns {boolean} whether the attachment is inlined html */ _isAttachmentInlinedHtml(attachment: any) { return ( attachment && (attachment.data || attachment.path) && attachment.alternative === true ); } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @param {function(MessageStack): void} next next * @returns {function(Error): void} callback */ _sendsmtp(stack: MessageStack, next: (msg: MessageStack) => void) { /** * @param {Error} [err] error * @returns {void} */ return (err: Error) => { if (!err && next) { next.apply(this, [stack]); } else { // if we snag on SMTP commands, call done, passing the error // but first reset SMTP state so queue can continue polling this.smtp.rset(() => this._senddone(err, stack)); } }; } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @returns {void} */ _sendmail(stack: MessageStack) { const from = stack.returnPath || stack.from; this.sending = true; this.smtp.mail(this._sendsmtp(stack, this._sendrcpt), '<' + from + '>'); } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @returns {void} */ _sendrcpt(stack: MessageStack) { if (stack.to == null || typeof stack.to === 'string') { throw new TypeError('stack.to must be array'); } const to = stack.to.shift()!.address; this.smtp.rcpt( this._sendsmtp(stack, stack.to.length ? this._sendrcpt : this._senddata), `<${to}>` ); } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @returns {void} */ _senddata(stack: MessageStack) { this.smtp.data(this._sendsmtp(stack, this._sendmessage)); } /** * @private * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @returns {void} */ _sendmessage(stack: MessageStack) { const stream = stack.message.stream(); stream.on('data', (data) => this.smtp.message(data)); stream.on('end', () => { this.smtp.data_end( this._sendsmtp(stack, () => this._senddone(null, stack)) ); }); // there is no way to cancel a message while in the DATA portion, // so we have to close the socket to prevent a bad email from going out stream.on('error', (err) => { this.smtp.close(); this._senddone(err, stack); }); } /** * @private * @param {Error} err err * @param {MessageStack} stack stack * @returns {void} */ _senddone(err: Error | null, stack: MessageStack) { this.sending = false; stack.callback(err, stack.message); this._poll(); } }