import { Socket } from 'net'; import { createHmac } from 'crypto'; import { hostname } from 'os'; import { connect, createSecureContext, TLSSocket } from 'tls'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { SMTPResponse, monitor } from './response'; import { makeSMTPError, SMTPErrorStates } from './error'; import { Indexed } from '@ledge/types'; /** * @readonly * @type {5000} */ const TIMEOUT: 5000 = 5000; export { TIMEOUT as DEFAULT_TIMEOUT }; /** * @readonly * @type {25} */ const SMTP_PORT: 25 = 25; /** * @readonly * @type {465} */ const SMTP_SSL_PORT: 465 = 465; /** * @readonly * @type {587} */ const SMTP_TLS_PORT: 587 = 587; /** * @readonly * @type {'\r\n'} */ const CRLF: '\r\n' = '\r\n'; export enum AUTH_METHODS { PLAIN = 'PLAIN', CRAM_MD5 = 'CRAM-MD5', LOGIN = 'LOGIN', XOAUTH2 = 'XOAUTH2', }; /** * @readonly * @enum */ export const SMTPState = { NOTCONNECTED: 0, CONNECTING: 1, CONNECTED: 2, } as const; /** * @type {0 | 1} */ let DEBUG: 0 | 1 = 0; /** * @param {...any} args the message(s) to log * @returns {void} */ const log = (...args: any[]): void => { if (DEBUG === 1) { args.forEach(d => console.log( typeof d === 'object' ? d instanceof Error ? d.message : JSON.stringify(d) : d ) ); } }; /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback the function to call * @param {...*} args the arguments to apply to the function * @returns {void} */ const caller = (callback?: ( any[]) => void, ...args: any[]): void => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.apply(null, args); } }; export interface SMTPSocketOptions { key: string; ca: string; cert: string; } export interface SMTPOptions { timeout: number | null; user: string; password: string; domain: string; host: string; port: number; ssl: boolean | SMTPSocketOptions; tls: boolean | SMTPSocketOptions; authentication: string[]; logger: (...args: any[]) => void; } export interface ConnectOptions { ssl?: boolean; } export class SMTP extends EventEmitter { private _state: 0 | 1 | 2 = SMTPState.NOTCONNECTED; private _isAuthorized = false; private _isSecure = false; private _user?: string = ''; private _password?: string = ''; private _timeout: number = TIMEOUT; public set debug(level: 0 | 1) { DEBUG = level; } public get state() { return this._state; } public get timeout() { return this._timeout; } public get user() { return this._user; } public get password() { return this._password; } public get isAuthorized() { return this._isAuthorized; } protected sock: Socket | TLSSocket | null = null; protected features: Indexed = {}; protected monitor: SMTPResponse | null = null; protected authentication: any[]; protected domain = hostname(); protected host = 'localhost'; protected ssl: boolean | SMTPSocketOptions = false; protected tls: boolean | SMTPSocketOptions = false; protected port: any; protected log = log; /** * SMTP class written using python's (2.7) as a base */ constructor({ timeout, host, user, password, domain, port, ssl, tls, logger, authentication, }: Partial = {}) { super(); this._user = user; this._password = password; this.authentication = Array.isArray(authentication) ? authentication : [ AUTH_METHODS.CRAM_MD5, AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN, AUTH_METHODS.PLAIN, AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2, ]; if (typeof timeout === 'number') { this._timeout = timeout; } if (typeof domain === 'string') { this.domain = domain; } if (typeof host === 'string') { = host; } if (typeof logger === 'function') { this.log = log; } if (ssl != null && (typeof ssl === 'boolean' || (typeof ssl === 'object' && Array.isArray(ssl) === false))) { this.ssl = ssl; } if (tls != null && (typeof tls === 'boolean' || (typeof tls === 'object' && Array.isArray(tls) === false))) { this.tls = tls; } if (!port) { this.port = this.ssl ? SMTP_SSL_PORT : this.tls ? SMTP_TLS_PORT : SMTP_PORT; } this._isAuthorized = user && password ? false : true; } /** * @typedef {Object} ConnectOptions * @property {boolean} [ssl] * * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {number} [port] the port to use for the connection * @param {string} [host] the hostname to use for the connection * @param {ConnectOptions} [options={}] the options * @returns {void} */ connect(callback: ( any[]) => void, port: number = this.port, host: string =, options: ConnectOptions = {}): void { this.port = port; = host; this.ssl = options.ssl || this.ssl; if (this._state !== SMTPState.NOTCONNECTED) { this.quit(() => this.connect( callback, port, host, options ) ); } /** * @returns {void} */ const connected = (): void => { this.log(`connected: ${}:${this.port}`); if (this.ssl && !this.tls) { // if key/ca/cert was passed in, check if connection is authorized if ( typeof this.ssl !== 'boolean' && this.sock instanceof TLSSocket && !this.sock.authorized ) { this.close(true); caller( callback, makeSMTPError( 'could not establish an ssl connection', SMTPErrorStates.CONNECTIONAUTH ) ); } else { this._isSecure = true; } } }; /** * @param {Error} err err * @returns {void} */ const connectedErrBack = (err: Error): void => { if (!err) { connected(); } else { this.close(true); this.log(err); caller( callback, makeSMTPError('could not connect', SMTPErrorStates.COULDNOTCONNECT, err) ); } }; const response = (err: Error, msg: { code: string | number, data: string }) => { if (err) { if (this._state === SMTPState.NOTCONNECTED && !this.sock) { return; } this.close(true); caller(callback, err); } else if (msg.code == '220') { this.log(; // might happen first, so no need to wait on connected() this._state = SMTPState.CONNECTED; caller(callback, null,; } else { this.log(`response (data): ${}`); this.quit(() => { caller( callback, makeSMTPError( 'bad response on connection', SMTPErrorStates.BADRESPONSE, err, ) ); }); } }; this._state = SMTPState.CONNECTING; this.log(`connecting: ${}:${this.port}`); if (this.ssl) { this.sock = connect( this.port,, typeof this.ssl === 'object' ? this.ssl : {}, connected ); } else { this.sock = new Socket(); this.sock.connect( this.port,, connectedErrBack ); } this.monitor = monitor(this.sock, this._timeout, () => this.close(true) ); this.sock.once('response', response); this.sock.once('error', response); // the socket could reset or throw, so let's handle it and let the user know } /** * @param {string} str the string to send * @param {*} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ send(str: string, callback: any): void { if (this.sock && this._state === SMTPState.CONNECTED) { this.log(str); this.sock.once('response', (err, msg) => { if (err) { caller(callback, err); } else { this.log(; caller(callback, null, msg); } }); this.sock.write(str); } else { this.close(true); caller( callback, makeSMTPError('no connection has been established', SMTPErrorStates.NOCONNECTION) ); } } /** * @param {string} cmd command to issue * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {(number[] | number)} [codes=[250]] array codes * @returns {void} */ command(cmd: string, callback: ( any[]) => void, codes: (number[] | number) = [250]): void { const codesArray = Array.isArray(codes) ? codes : typeof codes === 'number' ? [codes] : [250]; const response = (err: Error, msg: { code: string | number, data: string, message: string }) => { if (err) { caller(callback, err); } else { if (codesArray.indexOf(Number(msg.code)) !== -1) { caller(callback, err,, msg.message); } else { const suffix = msg.message ? `: ${msg.message}` : ''; const errorMessage = `bad response on command '${ cmd.split(' ')[0] }'${suffix}`; caller( callback, makeSMTPError(errorMessage, SMTPErrorStates.BADRESPONSE, undefined, ); } } }; this.send(cmd + CRLF, response); } /** * SMTP 'helo' command. * * Hostname to send for self command defaults to the FQDN of the local * host. * * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} domain the domain to associate with the 'helo' request * @returns {void} */ helo(callback: ( any[]) => void, domain?: string): void { this.command(`helo ${domain || this.domain}`, (err, data) => { if (err) { caller(callback, err); } else { this.parse_smtp_features(data); caller(callback, err, data); } }); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ starttls(callback: ( any[]) => void): void { const response = (err: Error, msg: { data: any }) => { if (this.sock == null) { throw new Error('null socket'); } if (err) { err.message += ' while establishing a starttls session'; caller(callback, err); } else { const secureContext = createSecureContext( typeof this.tls === 'object' ? this.tls : {} ); const secureSocket = new TLSSocket(this.sock, { secureContext }); secureSocket.on('error', (err: Error) => { this.close(true); caller(callback, err); }); this._isSecure = true; this.sock = secureSocket; monitor(this.sock, this._timeout, () => this.close(true)); caller(callback,; } }; this.command('starttls', response, [220]); } /** * @param {string} data the string to parse for features * @returns {void} */ parse_smtp_features(data: string): void { // According to RFC1869 some (badly written) // MTA's will disconnect on an ehlo. Toss an exception if // that happens -ddm data.split('\n').forEach(ext => { const parse = ext.match(/^(?:\d+[-=]?)\s*?([^\s]+)(?:\s+(.*)\s*?)?$/); // To be able to communicate with as many SMTP servers as possible, // we have to take the old-style auth advertisement into account, // because: // 1) Else our SMTP feature parser gets confused. // 2) There are some servers that only advertise the auth methods we // support using the old style. if (parse != null) { // RFC 1869 requires a space between ehlo keyword and parameters. // It's actually stricter, in that only spaces are allowed between // parameters, but were not going to check for that here. Note // that the space isn't present if there are no parameters. this.features[parse[1].toLowerCase()] = parse[2] || true; } }); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} domain the domain to associate with the 'ehlo' request * @returns {void} */ ehlo(callback: ( any[]) => void, domain?: string): void { this.features = {}; this.command(`ehlo ${domain || this.domain}`, (err, data) => { if (err) { caller(callback, err); } else { this.parse_smtp_features(data); if (this.tls && !this._isSecure) { this.starttls(() => this.ehlo(callback, domain)); } else { caller(callback, err, data); } } }); } /** * @param {string} opt the features keyname to check * @returns {boolean} whether the extension exists */ has_extn(opt: string): boolean { return this.features[opt.toLowerCase()] === undefined; } /** * SMTP 'help' command, returns text from the server * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} domain the domain to associate with the 'help' request * @returns {void} */ help(callback: ( any[]) => void, domain: string): void { this.command(domain ? `help ${domain}` : 'help', callback, [211, 214]); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ rset(callback: ( any[]) => void): void { this.command('rset', callback); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ noop(callback: ( any[]) => void): void { this.send('noop', callback); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} from the sender * @returns {void} */ mail(callback: ( any[]) => void, from: string): void { this.command(`mail FROM:${from}`, callback); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} to the receiver * @returns {void} */ rcpt(callback: ( any[]) => void, to: string): void { this.command(`RCPT TO:${to}`, callback, [250, 251]); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ data(callback: ( any[]) => void): void { this.command('data', callback, [354]); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ data_end(callback: ( any[]) => void): void { this.command(`${CRLF}.`, callback); } /** * @param {string} data the message to send * @returns {void} */ message(data: string): void { this.log(data); this.sock?.write(data) ?? this.log('no socket to write to'); } /** * SMTP 'verify' command -- checks for address validity. * * @param {string} address the address to validate * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ verify(address: string, callback: ( any[]) => void): void { this.command(`vrfy ${address}`, callback, [250, 251, 252]); } /** * SMTP 'expn' command -- expands a mailing list. * * @param {string} address the mailing list to expand * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @returns {void} */ expn(address: string, callback: ( any[]) => void): void { this.command(`expn ${address}`, callback); } /** * Calls this.ehlo() and, if an error occurs, this.helo(). * * If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command self session, self * method tries ESMTP EHLO first. * * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} [domain] the domain to associate with the command * @returns {void} */ ehlo_or_helo_if_needed(callback: ( any[]) => void, domain?: string): void { // is this code callable...? if (Object.keys(this.features).length === 0) { const response = (err: Error, data: any) => caller(callback, err, data); this.ehlo((err, data) => { if (err) { this.helo(response, domain); } else { caller(callback, err, data); } }, domain); } } /** * Log in on an SMTP server that requires authentication. * * If there has been no previous EHLO or HELO command self session, self * method tries ESMTP EHLO first. * * This method will return normally if the authentication was successful. * * @param {function(...*): void} callback function to call after response * @param {string} [user] the username to authenticate with * @param {string} [password] the password for the authentication * @param {{ method: string, domain: string }} [options] login options * @returns {void} */ login(callback: ( any[]) => void, user = '', password = '', options: { method?: string; domain?: string; } = {}): void { const login = { user: () => user || this.user || '', password: () => password || this.password || '', method: options && options.method ? options.method.toUpperCase() : '', }; const domain = options && options.domain ? options.domain : this.domain; const initiate = (err: Error, data: any) => { if (err) { caller(callback, err); return; } let method: AUTH_METHODS | null = null; /** * @param {string} challenge challenge * @returns {string} base64 cram hash */ const encode_cram_md5 = (challenge: string): string => { const hmac = createHmac('md5', login.password()); hmac.update(Buffer.from(challenge, 'base64').toString('ascii')); return Buffer.from(`${login.user()} ${hmac.digest('hex')}`).toString( 'base64' ); }; /** * @returns {string} base64 login/password */ const encode_plain = (): string => Buffer.from(`\u0000${login.user()}\u0000${login.password()}`).toString( 'base64' ); /** * @see * @returns {string} base64 xoauth2 auth token */ const encode_xoauth2 = (): string => Buffer.from( `user=${login.user()}\u0001auth=Bearer ${login.password()}\u0001\u0001` ).toString('base64'); // List of authentication methods we support: from preferred to // less preferred methods. if (!method) { const preferred = this.authentication; let auth = ''; if (this.features && this.features.auth) { if (typeof this.features.auth === 'string') { auth = this.features.auth; } } for (let i = 0; i < preferred.length; i++) { if (auth.includes(preferred[i])) { method = preferred[i]; break; } } } /** * handle bad responses from command differently * @param {Error} err err * @param {*} data data * @returns {void} */ const failed = (err: Error, data: any): void => { this._isAuthorized = false; this.close(); // if auth is bad, close the connection, it won't get better by itself caller( callback, makeSMTPError('authorization.failed', SMTPErrorStates.AUTHFAILED, err, data) ); }; /** * @param {Error} err err * @param {*} data data * @returns {void} */ const response = (err: Error, data: any): void => { if (err) { failed(err, data); } else { this._isAuthorized = true; caller(callback, err, data); } }; /** * @param {Error} err err * @param {*} data data * @param {string} msg msg * @returns {void} */ const attempt = (err: Error, data: any, msg: string): void => { if (err) { failed(err, data); } else { if (method === AUTH_METHODS.CRAM_MD5) { this.command(encode_cram_md5(msg), response, [235, 503]); } else if (method === AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN) { this.command( Buffer.from(login.password()).toString('base64'), response, [235, 503] ); } } }; /** * @param {Error} err err * @param {*} data data * @param {string} msg msg * @returns {void} */ const attempt_user = (err: Error, data: any): void => { if (err) { failed(err, data); } else { if (method === AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN) { this.command( Buffer.from(login.user()).toString('base64'), attempt, [334] ); } } }; switch (method) { case AUTH_METHODS.CRAM_MD5: this.command(`AUTH ${AUTH_METHODS.CRAM_MD5}`, attempt, [334]); break; case AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN: this.command(`AUTH ${AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN}`, attempt_user, [334]); break; case AUTH_METHODS.PLAIN: this.command( `AUTH ${AUTH_METHODS.PLAIN} ${encode_plain()}`, response, [235, 503] ); break; case AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2: this.command( `AUTH ${AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2} ${encode_xoauth2()}`, response, [235, 503] ); break; default: const msg = 'no form of authorization supported'; const err = makeSMTPError(msg, SMTPErrorStates.AUTHNOTSUPPORTED, undefined, data); caller(callback, err); break; } }; this.ehlo_or_helo_if_needed(initiate, domain); } /** * @param {boolean} [force=false] whether or not to force destroy the connection * @returns {void} */ close(force: boolean = false): void { if (this.sock) { if (force) { this.log('smtp connection destroyed!'); this.sock.destroy(); } else { this.log('smtp connection closed.'); this.sock.end(); } } if (this.monitor) { this.monitor.stop(); this.monitor = null; } this._state = SMTPState.NOTCONNECTED; this._isSecure = false; this.sock = null; this.features = {}; this._isAuthorized = !(this._user && this._password); } /** * @param {function(...*): void} [callback] function to call after response * @returns {void} */ quit(callback?: ( any[]) => void): void { this.command( 'quit', (err, data) => { caller(callback, err, data); this.close(); }, [221, 250] ); } }