# emailjs [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/eleith/emailjs.png)](http://travis-ci.org/eleith/emailjs) [![Test Status](https://github.com/eleith/emailjs/workflows/.github/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/eleith/emailjs/actions?query=workflow%3A.github%2Fworkflows%2Ftest.yml) send emails, html and attachments (files, streams and strings) from node.js to any smtp server ## INSTALLING npm install emailjs ## FEATURES - works with SSL and TLS smtp servers - supports smtp authentication ('PLAIN', 'LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5', 'XOAUTH2') - emails are queued and the queue is sent asynchronously - supports sending html emails and emails with multiple attachments (MIME) - attachments can be added as strings, streams or file paths - supports utf-8 headers and body ## REQUIRES - auth access to an SMTP Server - if your service (ex: gmail) uses two-step authentication, use an application specific password ## EXAMPLE USAGE - text only emails ```javascript var email = require("./path/to/emailjs/email"); var server = email.server.connect({ user: "username", password:"password", host: "smtp.your-email.com", ssl: true }); // send the message and get a callback with an error or details of the message that was sent server.send({ text: "i hope this works", from: "you ", to: "someone , another ", cc: "else ", subject: "testing emailjs" }, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); }); ``` ## EXAMPLE USAGE - html emails and attachments ```javascript var email = require("./path/to/emailjs/email"); var server = email.server.connect({ user: "username", password:"password", host: "smtp.your-email.com", ssl: true }); var message = { text: "i hope this works", from: "you ", to: "someone , another ", cc: "else ", subject: "testing emailjs", attachment: [ {data:"i hope this works!", alternative:true}, {path:"path/to/file.zip", type:"application/zip", name:"renamed.zip"} ] }; // send the message and get a callback with an error or details of the message that was sent server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); }); // you can continue to send more messages with successive calls to 'server.send', // they will be queued on the same smtp connection // or you can create a new server connection with 'email.server.connect' // to asynchronously send individual emails instead of a queue ``` ## EXAMPLE USAGE - sending through hotmail/outlook ```javascript var email = require("./path/to/emailjs/email"); var server = email.server.connect({ user: "username", password:"password", host: "smtp-mail.outlook.com", tls: {ciphers: "SSLv3"} }); var message = { text: "i hope this works", from: "you ", to: "someone , another ", cc: "else ", subject: "testing emailjs", attachment: [ {data:"i hope this works!", alternative:true}, {path:"path/to/file.zip", type:"application/zip", name:"renamed.zip"} ] }; // send the message and get a callback with an error or details of the message that was sent server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); }); ``` ## EXAMPLE USAGE - attaching and embedding an image ```javascript var email = require("./path/to/emailjs/email"); var server = email.server.connect({ user: "username", password:"password", host: "smtp-mail.outlook.com", tls: {ciphers: "SSLv3"} }); var message = { text: "i hope this works", from: "you ", to: "someone , another ", cc: "else ", subject: "testing emailjs", attachment: [ {data: "i hope this works! here is an image: "}, {path:"path/to/file.zip", type:"application/zip", name:"renamed.zip"}, {path:"path/to/image.jpg", type:"image/jpg", headers:{"Content-ID":""}} ] }; // send the message and get a callback with an error or details of the message that was sent server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); }); ``` # API ## email.server.connect(options) // options is an object with the following keys options = { user // username for logging into smtp password // password for logging into smtp host // smtp host port // smtp port (if null a standard port number will be used) ssl // boolean or object {key, ca, cert} (if true or object, ssl connection will be made) tls // boolean or object (if true or object, starttls will be initiated) timeout // max number of milliseconds to wait for smtp responses (defaults to 5000) domain // domain to greet smtp with (defaults to os.hostname) authentication // array of preferred authentication methods ('PLAIN', 'LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5', 'XOAUTH2') logger // override the built-in logger (useful for e.g. Azure Function Apps, where console.log doesn't work) } ## email.server.send(message, callback) // message can be a smtp.Message (as returned by email.message.create) // or an object identical to the first argument accepted by email.message.create // callback will be executed with (err, message) // either when message is sent or an error has occurred ## message // headers is an object ('from' and 'to' are required) // returns a Message object // you can actually pass more message headers than listed, the below are just the // most common ones you would want to use headers = { text // text of the email from // sender of the format (address or name
or "name"
) to // recipients (same format as above), multiple recipients are separated by a comma cc // carbon copied recipients (same format as above) bcc // blind carbon copied recipients (same format as above) subject // string subject of the email attachment // one attachment or array of attachments } ## email.SMTP.authentication associative array of currently supported SMTP authentication mechanisms ## attachment // can be called multiple times, each adding a new attachment // options is an object with the following possible keys: options = { // one of these fields is required path // string to where the file is located data // string of the data you want to attach stream // binary stream that will provide attachment data (make sure it is in the paused state) // better performance for binary streams is achieved if buffer.length % (76*6) == 0 // current max size of buffer must be no larger than Message.BUFFERSIZE // optionally these fields are also accepted type // string of the file mime type name // name to give the file as perceived by the recipient charset // charset to encode attatchment in method // method to send attachment as (used by calendar invites) alternative // if true, will be attached inline as an alternative (also defaults type='text/html') inline // if true, will be attached inline encoded // set this to true if the data is already base64 encoded, (avoid this if possible) headers // object containing header=>value pairs for inclusion in this attachment's header related // an array of attachments that you want to be related to the parent attachment } ## Authors eleith zackschuster ## Testing npm install -d npm test ## Contributions issues and pull requests are welcome