import fs from 'fs'; import type { PathLike } from 'fs'; import { hostname } from 'os'; import { Stream } from 'stream'; import type { Duplex } from 'stream'; import addressparser from 'addressparser'; import { mimeWordEncode } from 'emailjs-mime-codec'; import { getRFC2822Date } from './date'; const CRLF = '\r\n' as const; /** * MIME standard wants 76 char chunks when sending out. */ export const MIMECHUNK = 76 as const; /** * meets both base64 and mime divisibility */ export const MIME64CHUNK = (MIMECHUNK * 6) as 456; /** * size of the message stream buffer */ export const BUFFERSIZE = (MIMECHUNK * 24 * 7) as 12768; export interface MessageAttachmentHeaders { [index: string]: string | undefined; 'content-type'?: string; 'content-transfer-encoding'?: BufferEncoding | '7bit' | '8bit'; 'content-disposition'?: string; } export interface AlternateMessageAttachment { [index: string]: | string | boolean | MessageAttachment | MessageAttachment[] | MessageAttachmentHeaders | Duplex | PathLike | undefined; name?: string; headers?: MessageAttachmentHeaders; inline: boolean; alternative?: MessageAttachment | boolean; related?: MessageAttachment[]; data: string; encoded?: boolean; stream?: Duplex; path?: PathLike; } export interface MessageAttachment extends AlternateMessageAttachment { type: string; charset: string; method: string; } export interface MessageHeaders { [index: string]: string | null | MessageAttachment | MessageAttachment[]; 'content-type': string; 'message-id': string; 'return-path': string | null; date: string; from: string; to: string; cc: string; bcc: string; subject: string; text: string | null; attachment: MessageAttachment | MessageAttachment[]; } let counter = 0; function generate_boundary() { let text = ''; const possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'()+_,-./:=?"; for (let i = 0; i < 69; i++) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; } function convertPersonToAddress(person: string) { return addressparser(person) .map(({ name, address }) => { return name ? `${mimeWordEncode(name).replace(/,/g, '=2C')} <${address}>` : address; }) .join(', '); } function convertDashDelimitedTextToSnakeCase(text: string) { return text .toLowerCase() .replace(/^(.)|-(.)/g, (match) => match.toUpperCase()); } export class Message { public readonly attachments: MessageAttachment[] = []; public readonly header: Partial = { 'message-id': `<${new Date().getTime()}.${counter++}.${ }@${hostname()}>`, date: getRFC2822Date(), }; public readonly content: string = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; public readonly text?: string; public alternative: AlternateMessageAttachment | null = null; /** * Construct an rfc2822-compliant message object. * * Special notes: * - The `from` field is required. * - At least one `to`, `cc`, or `bcc` header is also required. * - You can also add whatever other headers you want. * * @see * @param {Partial} headers Message headers */ constructor(headers: Partial) { for (const header in headers) { // allow user to override default content-type to override charset or send a single non-text message if (/^content-type$/i.test(header)) { this.content = headers[header] as string; } else if (header === 'text') { this.text = headers[header] as string; } else if ( header === 'attachment' && typeof headers[header] === 'object' ) { const attachment = headers[header]; if (Array.isArray(attachment)) { for (let i = 0; i < attachment.length; i++) { this.attach(attachment[i]); } } else if (attachment != null) { this.attach(attachment); } } else if (header === 'subject') { this.header.subject = mimeWordEncode(headers.subject); } else if (/^(cc|bcc|to|from)/i.test(header)) { this.header[header.toLowerCase()] = convertPersonToAddress( headers[header] as string ); } else { // allow any headers the user wants to set?? this.header[header.toLowerCase()] = headers[header]; } } } /** * Attach a file to the message. * * Can be called multiple times, each adding a new attachment. * * @public * @param {MessageAttachment} options attachment options * @returns {Message} the current instance for chaining */ public attach(options: MessageAttachment): Message { // sender can specify an attachment as an alternative if (options.alternative) { this.alternative = options; this.alternative.charset = options.charset || 'utf-8'; this.alternative.type = options.type || 'text/html'; this.alternative.inline = true; } else { this.attachments.push(options); } return this; } /** * @public * @param {function(isValid: boolean, invalidReason: string): void} callback . * @returns {void} */ public valid(callback: (isValid: boolean, invalidReason?: string) => void) { if (typeof this.header.from !== 'string') { callback(false, 'Message must have a `from` header'); } else if ( typeof !== 'string' && typeof !== 'string' && typeof this.header.bcc !== 'string' ) { callback( false, 'Message must have at least one `to`, `cc`, or `bcc` header' ); } else if (this.attachments.length === 0) { callback(true, undefined); } else { const failed: string[] = []; this.attachments.forEach((attachment) => { if (attachment.path) { if (fs.existsSync(attachment.path) == false) { failed.push(`${attachment.path} does not exist`); } } else if ( { if (! { failed.push('attachment stream is not readable'); } } else if (! { failed.push('attachment has no data associated with it'); } }); callback(failed.length === 0, failed.join(', ')); } } /** * @public * @returns {*} a stream of the current message */ public stream() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define return new MessageStream(this); } /** * @public * @param {function(Error, string): void} callback the function to call with the error and buffer * @returns {void} */ public read(callback: (err: Error, buffer: string) => void) { let buffer = ''; const str =; str.on('data', (data) => (buffer += data)); str.on('end', (err) => callback(err, buffer)); str.on('error', (err) => callback(err, buffer)); } } class MessageStream extends Stream { readable = true; paused = false; buffer: Buffer | null = Buffer.alloc(MIMECHUNK * 24 * 7); bufferIndex = 0; /** * @param {*} message the message to stream */ constructor(private message: Message) { super(); /** * @param {string} [data] the data to output * @param {Function} [callback] the function * @param {any[]} [args] array of arguments to pass to the callback * @returns {void} */ const output = (data: string) => { // can we buffer the data? if (this.buffer != null) { const bytes = Buffer.byteLength(data); if (bytes + this.bufferIndex < this.buffer.length) { this.buffer.write(data, this.bufferIndex); this.bufferIndex += bytes; } // we can't buffer the data, so ship it out! else if (bytes > this.buffer.length) { if (this.bufferIndex) { this.emit( 'data', this.buffer.toString('utf-8', 0, this.bufferIndex) ); this.bufferIndex = 0; } const loops = Math.ceil(data.length / this.buffer.length); let loop = 0; while (loop < loops) { this.emit( 'data', data.substring( this.buffer.length * loop, this.buffer.length * (loop + 1) ) ); loop++; } } // we need to clean out the buffer, it is getting full else { if (!this.paused) { this.emit( 'data', this.buffer.toString('utf-8', 0, this.bufferIndex) ); this.buffer.write(data, 0); this.bufferIndex = bytes; } else { // we can't empty out the buffer, so let's wait till we resume before adding to it this.once('resume', () => output(data)); } } } }; /** * @param {MessageAttachment | AlternateMessageAttachment} [attachment] the attachment whose headers you would like to output * @returns {void} */ const output_attachment_headers = ( attachment: MessageAttachment | AlternateMessageAttachment ) => { let data: string[] = []; const headers: Partial = { 'content-type': attachment.type + (attachment.charset ? `; charset=${attachment.charset}` : '') + (attachment.method ? `; method=${attachment.method}` : ''), 'content-transfer-encoding': 'base64', 'content-disposition': attachment.inline ? 'inline' : `attachment; filename="${mimeWordEncode( as string )}"`, }; // allow sender to override default headers if (attachment.headers != null) { for (const header in attachment.headers) { headers[header.toLowerCase()] = attachment.headers[header]; } } for (const header in headers) { data = data.concat([ convertDashDelimitedTextToSnakeCase(header), ': ', headers[header] as string, CRLF, ]); } output(data.concat([CRLF]).join('')); }; /** * @param {string} data the data to output as base64 * @param {function(): void} [callback] the function to call after output is finished * @returns {void} */ const output_base64 = (data: string, callback?: () => void) => { const loops = Math.ceil(data.length / MIMECHUNK); let loop = 0; while (loop < loops) { output(data.substring(MIMECHUNK * loop, MIMECHUNK * (loop + 1)) + CRLF); loop++; } if (callback) { callback(); } }; const output_file = ( attachment: MessageAttachment | AlternateMessageAttachment, next: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null) => void ) => { const chunk = MIME64CHUNK * 16; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(chunk); const closed = (fd: number) => fs.closeSync(fd); /** * @param {Error} err the error to emit * @param {number} fd the file descriptor * @returns {void} */ const opened = (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, fd: number) => { if (!err) { const read = (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, bytes: number) => { if (!err && this.readable) { let encoding = attachment && attachment.headers ? attachment.headers['content-transfer-encoding'] || 'base64' : 'base64'; if (encoding === 'ascii' || encoding === '7bit') { encoding = 'ascii'; } else if (encoding === 'binary' || encoding === '8bit') { encoding = 'binary'; } else { encoding = 'base64'; } // guaranteed to be encoded without padding unless it is our last read output_base64(buffer.toString(encoding, 0, bytes), () => { if (bytes == chunk) { // we read a full chunk, there might be more, buffer, 0, chunk, null, read); } // that was the last chunk, we are done reading the file else { this.removeListener('error', closed); fs.close(fd, next); } }); } else { this.emit( 'error', err || { message: 'message stream was interrupted somehow!' } ); } };, buffer, 0, chunk, null, read); this.once('error', closed); } else { this.emit('error', err); } }; as PathLike, 'r', opened); }; /** * @param {MessageAttachment} attachment the metadata to use as headers * @param {function(): void} callback the function to call after output is finished * @returns {void} */ const output_stream = ( attachment: MessageAttachment | AlternateMessageAttachment, callback: () => void ) => { if ( != null && { let previous = Buffer.alloc(0);;'end', () => { output_base64(previous.toString('base64'), callback); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion this.removeListener('pause',!.pause); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion this.removeListener('resume',!.resume); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion this.removeListener('error',!.resume); });'data', (buff) => { // do we have bytes from a previous stream data event? let buffer = Buffer.isBuffer(buff) ? buff : Buffer.from(buff); if (previous.byteLength > 0) { buffer = Buffer.concat([previous, buffer]); } const padded = buffer.length % MIME64CHUNK; previous = Buffer.alloc(padded); // encode as much of the buffer to base64 without empty bytes if (padded > 0) { // copy dangling bytes into previous buffer buffer.copy(previous, 0, buffer.length - padded); } output_base64(buffer.toString('base64', 0, buffer.length - padded)); }); this.on('pause',; this.on('resume',; this.on('error',; } else { this.emit('error', { message: 'stream not readable' }); } }; const output_attachment = ( attachment: MessageAttachment | AlternateMessageAttachment, callback: () => void ) => { const build = attachment.path ? output_file : ? output_stream : output_data; output_attachment_headers(attachment); build(attachment, callback); }; /** * @param {string} boundary the boundary text between outputs * @param {MessageAttachment[]} list the list of potential messages to output * @param {number} index the index of the list item to output * @param {function(): void} callback the function to call if index is greater than upper bound * @returns {void} */ const output_message = ( boundary: string, list: MessageAttachment[], index: number, callback: () => void ) => { if (index < list.length) { output(`--${boundary}${CRLF}`); if (list[index].related) { output_related(list[index], () => output_message(boundary, list, index + 1, callback) ); } else { output_attachment(list[index], () => output_message(boundary, list, index + 1, callback) ); } } else { output(`${CRLF}--${boundary}--${CRLF}${CRLF}`); callback(); } }; const output_mixed = () => { const boundary = generate_boundary(); output( `Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="${boundary}"${CRLF}${CRLF}--${boundary}${CRLF}` ); if (this.message.alternative == null) { output_text(this.message); output_message(boundary, this.message.attachments, 0, close); } else { output_alternative( // typescript bug; should narrow to { alternative: AlternateMessageAttachment } this.message as Parameters[0], () => output_message(boundary, this.message.attachments, 0, close) ); } }; /** * @param {MessageAttachment} attachment the metadata to use as headers * @param {function(): void} callback the function to call after output is finished * @returns {void} */ const output_data = ( attachment: MessageAttachment | AlternateMessageAttachment, callback: () => void ) => { output_base64( attachment.encoded ? : Buffer.from('base64'), callback ); }; /** * @param {Message} message the message to output * @returns {void} */ const output_text = (message: Message) => { let data: string[] = []; data = data.concat([ 'Content-Type:', message.content, CRLF, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit', CRLF, ]); data = data.concat(['Content-Disposition: inline', CRLF, CRLF]); data = data.concat([message.text || '', CRLF, CRLF]); output(data.join('')); }; /** * @param {MessageAttachment} message the message to output * @param {function(): void} callback the function to call after output is finished * @returns {void} */ const output_related = ( message: AlternateMessageAttachment, callback: () => void ) => { const boundary = generate_boundary(); output( `Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="${boundary}"${CRLF}${CRLF}--${boundary}${CRLF}` ); output_attachment(message, () => { output_message(boundary, message.related ?? [], 0, () => { output(`${CRLF}--${boundary}--${CRLF}${CRLF}`); callback(); }); }); }; /** * @param {Message} message the message to output * @param {function(): void} callback the function to call after output is finished * @returns {void} */ const output_alternative = ( message: Message & { alternative: AlternateMessageAttachment }, callback: () => void ) => { const boundary = generate_boundary(); output( `Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="${boundary}"${CRLF}${CRLF}--${boundary}${CRLF}` ); output_text(message); output(`--${boundary}${CRLF}`); /** * @returns {void} */ const finish = () => { output([CRLF, '--', boundary, '--', CRLF, CRLF].join('')); callback(); }; if (message.alternative.related) { output_related(message.alternative, finish); } else { output_attachment(message.alternative, finish); } }; const close = (err?: Error) => { if (err) { this.emit('error', err); } else { this.emit( 'data', this.buffer?.toString('utf-8', 0, this.bufferIndex) ?? '' ); this.emit('end'); } this.buffer = null; this.bufferIndex = 0; this.readable = false; this.removeAllListeners('resume'); this.removeAllListeners('pause'); this.removeAllListeners('error'); this.removeAllListeners('data'); this.removeAllListeners('end'); }; /** * @returns {void} */ const output_header_data = () => { if (this.message.attachments.length || this.message.alternative) { output(`MIME-Version: 1.0${CRLF}`); output_mixed(); } // you only have a text message! else { output_text(this.message); close(); } }; /** * @returns {void} */ const output_header = () => { let data: string[] = []; for (const header in this.message.header) { // do not output BCC in the headers (regex) nor custom Object.prototype functions... if ( !/bcc/i.test(header) &&, header) ) { data = data.concat([ convertDashDelimitedTextToSnakeCase(header), ': ', this.message.header[header] as string, CRLF, ]); } } output(data.join('')); output_header_data(); }; this.once('destroy', close); process.nextTick(output_header); } /** * @public * pause the stream * @returns {void} */ public pause() { this.paused = true; this.emit('pause'); } /** * @public * resume the stream * @returns {void} */ public resume() { this.paused = false; this.emit('resume'); } /** * @public * destroy the stream * @returns {void} */ public destroy() { this.emit( 'destroy', this.bufferIndex > 0 ? { message: 'message stream destroyed' } : null ); } /** * @public * destroy the stream at first opportunity * @returns {void} */ public destroySoon() { this.emit('destroy'); } }