import test, { ExecutionContext } from 'ava'; import { simpleParser, AddressObject } from 'mailparser'; import { SMTPServer } from 'smtp-server'; import { AUTH_METHODS, SMTPClient, Message } from '../email'; let port = 2000; function send( t: ExecutionContext, { authMethods = [], authOptional = false, secure = false, }: { authMethods?: (keyof typeof AUTH_METHODS)[]; authOptional?: boolean; secure?: boolean; } = {} ) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { t.plan(5); const msg = { subject: 'this is a test TEXT message from emailjs', from: '', to: '', text: "It is hard to be brave when you're only a Very Small Animal.", }; const server = new SMTPServer({ authMethods, secure: secure, hideSTARTTLS: !secure, authOptional, onAuth(auth, _session, callback) { const { accessToken, method, username, password } = auth; if ( (method === AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2 && password != null ? accessToken === 'pooh' : username === 'pooh') && (method === AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2 && password == null ? accessToken === 'honey' : password === 'honey') ) { callback(null, { user: 'pooh' }); } else { return callback(new Error('invalid user / pass')); } }, async onData(stream, _session, callback: () => void) { const mail = await simpleParser(stream, { skipHtmlToText: true, skipTextToHtml: true, skipImageLinks: true, } as Record);, msg.text + '\n\n\n');, msg.subject);, msg.from); as AddressObject).text,; callback(); }, }); const p = port++; server.listen(p, () => { const options = Object.assign( { port: p, ssl: secure, authentication: authMethods }, authOptional ? {} : { user: 'pooh', password: 'honey' } ); new SMTPClient(options).send(new Message(msg), (err) => { server.close(() => { if (err) { reject(err.message); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }); }); } test('no authentication (unencrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync(send(t, { authOptional: true })); }); test('no authentication (encrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync(send(t, { authOptional: true, secure: true })); }); test('PLAIN authentication (unencrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync(send(t, { authMethods: [AUTH_METHODS.PLAIN] })); }); test('PLAIN authentication (encrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync( send(t, { authMethods: [AUTH_METHODS.PLAIN], secure: true }) ); }); test('LOGIN authentication (unencrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync(send(t, { authMethods: [AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN] })); }); test('LOGIN authentication (encrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync( send(t, { authMethods: [AUTH_METHODS.LOGIN], secure: true }) ); }); test('XOAUTH2 authentication (unencrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync(send(t, { authMethods: [AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2] })); }); test('XOAUTH2 authentication (encrypted) should succeed', async (t) => { await t.notThrowsAsync( send(t, { authMethods: [AUTH_METHODS.XOAUTH2], secure: true }) ); });