so many rotations

This commit is contained in:
eleith 2023-02-08 22:22:20 -08:00
parent ef4a4b1e9a
commit 1b9f9968b2
7 changed files with 989 additions and 9 deletions

22/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
--- Day 22: Monkey Map ---
The monkeys take you on a surprisingly easy trail through the jungle. They're even going in roughly the right direction according to your handheld device's Grove Positioning System.
As you walk, the monkeys explain that the grove is protected by a force field. To pass through the force field, you have to enter a password; doing so involves tracing a specific path on a strangely-shaped board.
At least, you're pretty sure that's what you have to do; the elephants aren't exactly fluent in monkey.
The monkeys give you notes that they took when they last saw the password entered (your puzzle input).
For example:
The first half of the monkeys' notes is a map of the board. It is comprised of a set of open tiles (on which you can move, drawn .) and solid walls (tiles which you cannot enter, drawn #).
The second half is a description of the path you must follow. It consists of alternating numbers and letters:
A number indicates the number of tiles to move in the direction you are facing. If you run into a wall, you stop moving forward and continue with the next instruction.
A letter indicates whether to turn 90 degrees clockwise (R) or counterclockwise (L). Turning happens in-place; it does not change your current tile.
So, a path like 10R5 means "go forward 10 tiles, then turn clockwise 90 degrees, then go forward 5 tiles".
You begin the path in the leftmost open tile of the top row of tiles. Initially, you are facing to the right (from the perspective of how the map is drawn).
If a movement instruction would take you off of the map, you wrap around to the other side of the board. In other words, if your next tile is off of the board, you should instead look in the direction opposite of your current facing as far as you can until you find the opposite edge of the board, then reappear there.
For example, if you are at A and facing to the right, the tile in front of you is marked B; if you are at C and facing down, the tile in front of you is marked D:
It is possible for the next tile (after wrapping around) to be a wall; this still counts as there being a wall in front of you, and so movement stops before you actually wrap to the other side of the board.
By drawing the last facing you had with an arrow on each tile you visit, the full path taken by the above example looks like this:
To finish providing the password to this strange input device, you need to determine numbers for your final row, column, and facing as your final position appears from the perspective of the original map. Rows start from 1 at the top and count downward; columns start from 1 at the left and count rightward. (In the above example, row 1, column 1 refers to the empty space with no tile on it in the top-left corner.) Facing is 0 for right (>), 1 for down (v), 2 for left (<), and 3 for up (^). The final password is the sum of 1000 times the row, 4 times the column, and the facing.
In the above example, the final row is 6, the final column is 8, and the final facing is 0. So, the final password is 1000 * 6 + 4 * 8 + 0: 6032.
Follow the path given in the monkeys' notes. What is the final password?
Your puzzle answer was 191010.
--- Part Two ---
As you reach the force field, you think you hear some Elves in the distance. Perhaps they've already arrived?
You approach the strange input device, but it isn't quite what the monkeys drew in their notes. Instead, you are met with a large cube; each of its six faces is a square of 50x50 tiles.
To be fair, the monkeys' map does have six 50x50 regions on it. If you were to carefully fold the map, you should be able to shape it into a cube!
In the example above, the six (smaller, 4x4) faces of the cube are:
You still start in the same position and with the same facing as before, but the wrapping rules are different. Now, if you would walk off the board, you instead proceed around the cube. From the perspective of the map, this can look a little strange. In the above example, if you are at A and move to the right, you would arrive at B facing down; if you are at C and move down, you would arrive at D facing up:
Walls still block your path, even if they are on a different face of the cube. If you are at E facing up, your movement is blocked by the wall marked by the arrow:
Using the same method of drawing the last facing you had with an arrow on each tile you visit, the full path taken by the above example now looks like this:
The final password is still calculated from your final position and facing from the perspective of the map. In this example, the final row is 5, the final column is 7, and the final facing is 3, so the final password is 1000 * 5 + 4 * 7 + 3 = 5031.
Fold the map into a cube, then follow the path given in the monkeys' notes. What is the final password?
Your puzzle answer was 55364.

22/input.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

22/sample-input.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

22/src/index.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
const TrailSpaceType = {
OPEN: '.',
WALL: '#',
EMPTY: ' ',
UP: '^',
DOWN: 'v',
LEFT: '<',
RIGHT: '>',
} as const
const InstructionTurn = {
} as const
const TrailDirection = {
UP: 'UP',
} as const
type TrailSpaceTypes = typeof TrailSpaceType[keyof typeof TrailSpaceType]
type TrailDirections = typeof TrailDirection[keyof typeof TrailDirection]
type TrailInstructionTurns = typeof InstructionTurn[keyof typeof InstructionTurn]
type TrailSpace = {
type: TrailSpaceTypes
point: TrailPoint
neighbors: {
[TrailDirection.LEFT]?: TrailSpace
[TrailDirection.RIGHT]?: TrailSpace
[TrailDirection.UP]?: TrailSpace
[TrailDirection.DOWN]?: TrailSpace
type TrailPoint = {
x: number
y: number
type TrailPosition = {
space: TrailSpace
facing: TrailDirections
type Trail = {
start: TrailSpace
at: TrailPosition
spaces: { [coordinates: string]: TrailSpace }
height: number
width: number
type TrailCube = {
size: number
indexes: [number, number][]
type TrailInstruction = {
turn?: TrailInstructionTurns
distance: number
type TrailCubeFace = {
index: [number, number]
folds: TrailDirections[]
rotation?: {
turn: TrailInstructionTurns
times: number
const TrailCompass = [
const matchTrailInstruction = /\d+(R|L)?/g
function parseTrailAsCube(lines: string[]): {
trail: Trail
cube: TrailCube
} {
const start = { point: { x: 0, y: 0 }, type: TrailSpaceType.EMPTY, neighbors: {} }
const columns: TrailSpace[][] = Array(Math.max( => line.length)))
.map(() => [])
const trail: Trail = {
at: {
space: start,
facing: TrailDirection.RIGHT,
spaces: {},
height: lines.length,
width: columns.length,
let minWidth = lines.length
let minHeight = columns.length
lines.forEach((line, y) => {
const spaces = line.split('') as TrailSpaceTypes[]
const row: TrailSpace[] = []
spaces.forEach((space, x) => {
if (TrailSpaceType.EMPTY !== space) {
const trailSpace: TrailSpace = {
point: { x, y },
type: space,
neighbors: {},
minWidth = Math.min(minWidth, row.length)
row.forEach((space, index) => {
if (index === 0 && y === 0) {
trail.start = space = space
if (index !== 0 || index !== row.length - 1) {
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.LEFT] = row[index - 1]
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.RIGHT] = row[index + 1]
columns.forEach((column) => {
minHeight = Math.min(minHeight, column.length)
column.forEach((space, index) => {
if (index !== 0 || index !== column.length - 1) {
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.UP] = column[index - 1]
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.DOWN] = column[index + 1]
setSpace(trail, space)
if (minHeight === minWidth) {
return { trail, cube: foldTrailAsCube(trail, minHeight) }
throw new Error('Trail is not a cube')
const arrayEquals = <T>(index: T[], index2: T[]): boolean =>
index.length === index2.length && index.every((value, i) => value === index2[i])
function getTurnsBeforeRotation(dirs: TrailDirections[]) {
return dirs.reduce((foundIndex, _, index) => {
if (dirs[index + 1] !== undefined) {
return dirs[index] === dirs[index + 1] ? foundIndex : index
return foundIndex
}, 0)
function getRotation(dirs: TrailDirections[]) {
const isCounterClockwise = dirs.some((_, index) => {
const first = TrailCompass.indexOf(dirs[index])
const second = TrailCompass.indexOf(dirs[index + 1])
if (first === -1 || second === -1) {
return false
return first - second === 1 || (first === 0 && first - second === -3)
const isClockwise = dirs.some((_, index) => {
const first = TrailCompass.indexOf(dirs[index])
const second = TrailCompass.indexOf(dirs[index + 1])
if (first === -1 || second === -1) {
return false
return second - first === 1 || (first === 3 && second - first === 3)
if (isClockwise === isCounterClockwise) {
return null
return isClockwise ? InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE : InstructionTurn.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
function isFlipped(dirs: TrailDirections[]) {
return dirs.some((dir, index) => {
const nextFolds = dirs.slice(index, index + 3)
return nextFolds.length === 3 && nextFolds.every((fold) => fold === dir)
function findFaceFor(
index: [number, number],
allIndexes: [number, number][],
dir: TrailDirections
): TrailCubeFace {
const queue: TrailCubeFace[] = [{ index, folds: [] }]
const visited: [number, number][] = []
while (queue.length > 0) {
const faceMap = queue.shift() as TrailCubeFace
const lastFold = faceMap.folds.slice(-1)[0]
const turnDir = getRotation(faceMap.folds)
const turnTimes = getTurnsBeforeRotation(faceMap.folds) + 1
if (lastFold === dir || (isFlipped(faceMap.folds) && getOppositeDirection(lastFold) === dir)) {
if (turnDir) {
faceMap.rotation = {
turn: turnDir,
times: turnTimes,
return faceMap
const x = faceMap.index[0]
const y = faceMap.index[1]
const neighbors = [
[x, y + 1, TrailDirection.DOWN],
[x, y - 1, TrailDirection.UP],
[x - 1, y, TrailDirection.LEFT],
[x + 1, y, TrailDirection.RIGHT],
] as [number, number, TrailDirections][]
.map(([x, y, fold]) => {
const turnFold = turnDir ? turnDirectionTimes(fold, turnDir, turnTimes) : fold
return { index: [x, y], folds: [...faceMap.folds, turnFold] } as TrailCubeFace
.filter((neighbor) => allIndexes.find((index) => arrayEquals(index, neighbor.index)))
.filter((neighbor) => !visited.find((visit) => arrayEquals(visit, neighbor.index)))
.forEach((neighbor) => {
throw new Error(`Could not find face for ${index} and ${dir}`)
function getOppositeTurn(turn: TrailInstructionTurns): TrailInstructionTurns {
return turn === InstructionTurn.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
? InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE
function getOppositeDirection(dir: TrailDirections): TrailDirections {
const index = TrailCompass.indexOf(dir)
const oppositeIndex =
index + 2 > TrailCompass.length - 1 ? (index + 2) % TrailCompass.length : index + 2
return TrailCompass[oppositeIndex]
function getFaceIndexes(edges: TrailSpace[], size: number): [number, number][] {
return edges
.map((edge) => getFaceIndex(edge, size))
.reduce((indexes, faceIndex) => {
if (!indexes.find((index) => arrayEquals(index, faceIndex))) {
return indexes
}, [] as [number, number][])
function foldTrailAsCube(trail: Trail, size: number): TrailCube {
const edges = Object.values(trail.spaces).filter((space) =>
Object.values(space.neighbors).some((neighbor) => neighbor === undefined)
const cube: TrailCube = {
indexes: getFaceIndexes(edges, size),
edges.forEach((fromEdge) => {
const fromIndex = getFaceIndex(fromEdge, cube.size)
TrailCompass.filter((fromDirection) => fromEdge.neighbors[fromDirection] === undefined).forEach(
(fromDirection) => {
const toFaceMap = findFaceFor(fromIndex, cube.indexes, fromDirection)
if (!toFaceMap) {
throw new Error(`Could not find edge for ${fromEdge}`)
const fromMod = getMod(fromEdge, fromDirection, cube.size)
const oppositeDir = getOppositeDirection(fromDirection)
const oppositeTurn = getOppositeTurn(toFaceMap.rotation?.turn || InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE)
const toDirection = toFaceMap.rotation?.turn
? turnDirectionTimes(oppositeDir, oppositeTurn, toFaceMap.rotation.times)
: fromDirection
const toEdge = edges
.filter((edge) => arrayEquals(getFaceIndex(edge, cube.size), toFaceMap.index))
.filter((edge) => edge.neighbors[toDirection] === undefined)
.find((edge) => {
return (
fromMod ===
if (!toEdge) {
throw new Error(`Could not connect edge for ${JSON.stringify(fromEdge.point)}`)
fromEdge.neighbors[fromDirection] = toEdge
toEdge.neighbors[toDirection] = fromEdge
return cube
function parseTrail(lines: string[]): Trail {
const start = {
point: { x: 0, y: 0 },
type: TrailSpaceType.EMPTY,
neighbors: {},
edge: false,
const columns: TrailSpace[][] = Array(Math.max( => line.length)))
.map(() => [])
const trail: Trail = {
at: {
space: start,
facing: TrailDirection.RIGHT,
spaces: {},
height: lines.length,
width: columns.length,
lines.forEach((line, y) => {
const spaces = line.split('') as TrailSpaceTypes[]
const row: TrailSpace[] = []
spaces.forEach((space, x) => {
if (TrailSpaceType.EMPTY !== space) {
const trailSpace: TrailSpace = {
point: { x, y },
type: space,
neighbors: {},
row.forEach((space, index) => {
if (index === 0 && y === 0) {
trail.start = space = space
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.LEFT] = row[index === 0 ? row.length - 1 : index - 1]
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.RIGHT] = row[index === row.length - 1 ? 0 : index + 1]
columns.forEach((column) => {
column.forEach((space, index) => {
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.UP] = column[index === 0 ? column.length - 1 : index - 1]
space.neighbors[TrailDirection.DOWN] = column[index === column.length - 1 ? 0 : index + 1]
setSpace(trail, space)
return trail
function parseInstructions(line: string): TrailInstruction[] {
const matches = line.match(matchTrailInstruction) || []
return => {
if (/^\d+$/.test(match)) {
return { distance: parseInt(match) }
} else {
return {
turn: match.slice(-1) as TrailInstructionTurns,
distance: parseInt(match.slice(0, -1)),
function turnDirectionTimes(
facing: TrailDirections,
dir: TrailInstructionTurns,
times: number
): TrailDirections {
let next = facing
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
next = turnDirection(next, dir)
return next
function turnDirection(facing: TrailDirections, dir: TrailInstructionTurns): TrailDirections {
const compass = [
const index = compass.indexOf(facing)
const oppositeIndex = InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE === dir ? index + 1 : index - 1
if (oppositeIndex < 0) {
return compass[compass.length - 1]
} else if (oppositeIndex > compass.length - 1) {
return compass[oppositeIndex % compass.length]
return compass[oppositeIndex]
function positionMove(
position: TrailPosition,
instruction: TrailInstruction,
cube?: TrailCube
): TrailPosition {
let dir = position.facing
let at =
let next: TrailSpace | undefined = at
for (let i = 0; i < instruction.distance; i++) {
at.type = TrailSpaceType[dir]
next = at.neighbors[dir]
if (!next) {
throw new Error(`No next space for ${at.point.y},${at.point.y} in direction ${dir}`)
if (next.type !== TrailSpaceType.WALL) {
if (cube) {
const atIndex = getFaceIndex(at, cube.size)
const nextIndex = getFaceIndex(next, cube.size)
if (!arrayEquals(atIndex, nextIndex)) {
const face = findFaceFor(atIndex, cube.indexes, dir)
if (face.rotation) {
dir = turnDirectionTimes(dir, getOppositeTurn(face.rotation.turn), face.rotation.times)
at = next
return {
space: at,
facing: instruction.turn ? turnDirection(dir, instruction.turn) : dir,
function getSpace(trail: Trail, point: TrailPoint): TrailSpace | undefined {
return trail.spaces[`${point.x},${point.y}`]
function setSpace(trail: Trail, space: TrailSpace) {
trail.spaces[`${space.point.x},${space.point.y}`] = space
function getFaceIndex(space: TrailSpace, size: number): [number, number] {
const x = Math.ceil((space.point.x + 1) / size) - 1
const y = Math.ceil((space.point.y + 1) / size) - 1
return [x, y]
function getMod(
space: TrailSpace,
dir: TrailDirections,
size: number,
turn?: TrailInstructionTurns,
rotations = 0
): number {
switch (dir) {
case TrailDirection.UP:
case TrailDirection.DOWN:
if (
rotations === 0 ||
(turn && turn === InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE && rotations === 4) ||
(turn && turn === InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE && rotations === 1)
) {
return space.point.x % size
} else {
return size - (space.point.x % size) - 1
case TrailDirection.LEFT:
case TrailDirection.RIGHT:
if (
rotations === 0 ||
(turn && turn === InstructionTurn.CLOCKWISE && rotations === 4) ||
(turn && turn === InstructionTurn.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE && rotations === 1)
) {
return space.point.y % size
} else {
return size - (space.point.y % size) - 1
function printTrail(trail: Trail): void {
for (let y = 0; y < trail.height; y++) {
const row: string[] = []
for (let x = 0; x < trail.width; x++) {
row.push(getSpace(trail, { x, y })?.type || ' ')
function parseInput(lines: string[]): { trail: Trail; instructions: TrailInstruction[] } {
if (!lines.length) {
throw new Error('could not parse input')
const instructionLine = lines.slice(-1)[0]
const instructions = parseInstructions(instructionLine)
const trail = parseTrail(lines.slice(0, -2))
return { trail, instructions }
function parseInputAsCube(lines: string[]): {
trail: Trail
instructions: TrailInstruction[]
cube: TrailCube
} {
if (!lines.length) {
throw new Error('could not parse input')
const instructionLine = lines.slice(-1)[0]
const instructions = parseInstructions(instructionLine)
const { trail, cube } = parseTrailAsCube(lines.slice(0, -2))
return { trail, instructions, cube }
function password(destination: TrailPosition): number {
const facings = [
const row = 1000 * ( + 1)
const column = 4 * ( + 1)
const face = facings.indexOf(destination.facing)
return row + column + face
function solvePart1(lines: string[], debug = false): number {
const { trail, instructions } = parseInput(lines)
instructions.forEach((instruction) => { = positionMove(, instruction)
if (debug) {
return password(
function solvePart2(lines: string[], debug = false): number {
const { trail, instructions, cube } = parseInputAsCube(lines)
instructions.forEach((instruction) => { = positionMove(, instruction, cube)
if (debug) {
return password(
function run() {
const input = process.argv.slice(2)[0]
const debug = process.argv.slice(2)[1] === '--debug'
const file = readFileSync(input, 'utf8')
const lines = file.split('\n').slice(0, -1)
const solution1 = solvePart1(lines, debug)
console.log(`part1: ${solution1}`)
const solution2 = solvePart2(lines, debug)
console.log(`part2: ${solution2}`)

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
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View File

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View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# usage -> ./ 1/src/index.ts 1/input.txt
node --loader ts-node/esm $1 $2
node --loader ts-node/esm $1 $2 $3